Pre-Martial Coaching
At CrossPointe we utilize the SYMBIS system developed by Drs. LES & LESLIE PARROTT
You can build your marriage on more than a hope and a prayer. The SYMBIS and SYMBIS+ Assessments gives you a personalized road map to making your marriage everything it was meant to be.
For any marriage to succeed, we must have an understanding of the individual needs that both men and women have. Once you have identified the needs of your spouse, you can work toward meeting those needs. There are probably more couples counseled in this area of their marriage than any other area. God created us with a need for each other
How it works:
Schedule Consultation (See button below)
Have an initial interview with a coach — time to get to know each other
(Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts) SYMBIS assessment assigned and completed
Coach reviews SYMBIS results
Coaching schedule set up